63. My Problem with my Hazon Italian-English Dictionary Again
63. My Problem with my Hazon Italian-English Dictionary Again
I wrote in an earlier blog [60] about the annoying fact that I had to re-insert the CD every three months in order to re-activate the Hazon Italian-English dictionary. I thought the problem was solved when they sent me an update CD in 2013. Well, when I transferred to Windows 8.1 on my new computer the problem returned. Every 3 months I have to re-insert the CD. I wrote to Hazon and they sent me a key and a site that would activate the key. Nothing worked, so in desperation I went back to re-inserting the CD. And that is where it stands today.When you couple this annoyance with the fact that one cannot copy or paste, or go forward and back I need hardly say that this is NOT a dictionary to buy. I had no trouble transferring my Sabatini. What trouble that did develop was more a problem with Java. It asked me to delete “old files”, which I did, and then all hell broke loose. I could not for the love of me access the dictionary. A letter to Sabatini explained the problem. I had a friend uninstall Java, delete all Java files on the registry, and then re-install, and the dictionary worked again. Unfortunately, with another wretched Java update, the problem returned. This time I said “no” to deleting the “old files” but I don't know if Java just over-wrote my instructions. Still, given the choice between my problems with Hazon, which seem to rise from their own complicated system of activating authority and my problem with Java, I prefer my Sabatini. So, in short, if you are thinking of buying a dictionary for your PC [and have a hard copy], I would recommend the Sabatini. Yes, I know you can use the on-line dictionary, but I still like to have a full, well-researched dictionary on my computer.